
Wednesday, January 9, 2019

State of the Blog 2019

Hi folks!

2018 was a good year for the blog. A tough year, but one that saw the Alphabet of Outer Beings go from idea, to concept, to 27 blog posts and a physical handout I brought to Gary Con. The Alphabet, when taken as a whole, is easily the largest thing I've ever written. It's also something that I'm actually willing to pretty up and ask people to pay me for in either a collected digital or a physical form of unknown fanciness. I've never really self-published before though. As a result 2019 is looking a bit scary.

This is the first post I've written since mid-December, and that kinda feels good as well. I'm going to be taking a different approach to the blog this year. Namely, I'm going to skip weeks. My goal is still a post a week, but I'm not going to kill myself to do it. I've got a lot going on at work, and frankly I don't know what kind of effort will be needed for the Alphabet, so I'm going to write when I can, post when I can, and when I cannot, there will be no posts. That sucks, I know, especially since with G+ dying I want people to be able to come here regularly and find new stuff, but I only have so much time and energy. I'd rather deliver occasional good stuff than routine average stuff.

Thanks for reading.