Beyond the Book
All of these are useful for all of the Cypher System games, BTW.
- Numenera Gamemastering Tips by Monte
- Using Points for Defense by Monte
- Companions in Numenera by Monte
- Optional Rule: Effort for NPCs by Monte
- Asset Limits by Charles
- Large Battles in the Cypher System by Monte
- What's the Deal with Cypher Levels by Monte
- Recursions—Static or Evolving? by Bruce
- Using Skills to Paint a Picture by Dennis
- Transcending Difficulty 10 in Gods Of The Fall by Bruce
- Also really useful for GMs looking to run Superheroes in Cypher System!!
- One Billion and Five Years Ago: Numenera the Beginning by Shanna
- Why Decks Rock by Charles
Your Game
- How Story Gives Life to Mechanics by Bruce
- Using Real-World Photography As Adventure Prompts by Bruce
- Character Development by Monte
- Notes on a Cypher System Session by Monte
- Using Props in RPG Games by Bruce
- Using Numenera Character Options for The Strange by Bruce
- Using The Strange Character Options for Numenera by Bruce
- Strange Revelations Pairings by Bruce
- Building an Adventure around an Item by Charles
- Breathing Life into Your Encounter by Bruce
- The Asset Deck by Monte
- Make a Creature in Ten Minutes or Less by Charles
- Bodies In Translation – Gear and Foci vs. Stat Pools In The Strange by Bruce
- Mining GM Notes for Ideas by Dennis
- The Fear Factor by Charles
- The Demogorgon of Modern Gaming Life by Shanna
- Thanksgiving Oddities by Sean
- Adding a New Person to Your Established Gaming Group by Shanna
- Getting Weird in the Ninth World by Darcy
- Bite-sized Inspiration by Darcy
- I'm mentioned in here!
(all posts by Charles except as noted)
(all posts by Charles except as noted)
- 2015
- Welcome, and Let’s Get Started!
- Let’s Get Down to Brass Tacks!
- It’s Week Two! Let’s Talk Setting and Rules.
- Let’s Have a Look at the Adventure!
- Dressing Things Up a Bit
- Encounters—The Meat of the Adventure
- Gathering Your Gear
- It’s Game Time! (And a Bit About Characters)
- 2016
- Welcome, and Let’s Get Started!
- Initial Planning for Your Game Session
- It’s Week Two! Let’s Talk Setting and Rules.
- Let’s Have a Look at the Adventure!
- Dressing Things Up a Bit
- Encounters—The Meat of the Adventure
- Gathering Your Gear
- It’s Game Time! (And a Bit About Characters)
- One New GM’s Experience by Tammie
- 2017
- An In-Depth Look at Running Weird Discoveries by Jeremy Land
- Enjoying Gen Con as a Cypher System Fan by Scott Robinson
- Applying Effort to your One-Shots by Darcy Ross
- The Happiest Place On Earth for Four Days by Troy Pichelman
- GMing with a Partner (in Crime) by Darcy Ross
- Yes please, Evie! by Evie Walls
- Rolling for Social Skills by Teófilo Hurtado Navarro
- Learning Through Play by Brian Kurtz
- Play Games and Talk Cyphers on Discord by Al Mejias
Monte Says
Cypher System
A series by Monte about designing, running, and playing the Cypher System
- The Spirit of Numenera
- Plots in RPGs
- Putting the Play in Roleplaying
- Iadace
- Timekeeping in Numenera
- Adjectives Rather Than Tiers
- Do Not Let the Dice Fall Where They May
- Don't Skip the GM Section
- Table Solutions
- PCs Versus NPCs
- Adding Technology to the Ninth World Can Be Tricky (But Fun)
- David Bowie
- A 1 is Not a Fumble
- Use Your Passion
- Gotta Do My Homework
- Comics Old and New
- Share the Cost
- Ptolus 10 Years Later
- Character Control and Narrative Control
- Changing the Way We Play
- The Theme of Invisible Sun
- Seventeen Invisible Sun Stories
- The Guiding Hand
- Invisible Sun Design Diary 1: Stats
- Invisible Sun Design Diary 2: Acquiring Different Abilities with Different Experience Points
- Invisible Sun Design Diary 3: Visual and Tactile Design
- Invisible Sun Design Diary 4: Long Form Magic
- Invisible Sun Design Diary 5: The Vislae Ghost Play Experience
- Invisible Sun Design Diary 6: We Need Secrets
- Invisible Sun Design Diary 7: The First Session
- Invisible Sun Design Diary 8: Emergent Story
- Invisible Sun Design Diary 9: Surreal Gaming
- Invisible Sun Design Diary 10: The Sooth Deck
Cypher System
A series by Monte about designing, running, and playing the Cypher System
- Logic as the Core Mechanic
- Player Authority
- Player Authority and the GM
- Playing the Character You Want Part 1
- Playing the Character You Want Part 2
- Easy on the GM Part 1
- Easy on the GM Part 2
- Ordering Art For Games by Bruce
- Sciencing Up Predation by Shanna
- Words Like Magic: My Secret Card Trick for Writing a Book by Shanna
- Logan as a Cypher System Character by Sean
- Bullet Journaling for GMs and Players by Shanna
- A Strange Answer to Fermi’s Paradox by Bruce
- Player Tested, Dinosaur Approved by Shanna
- Artist Spotlight: Anton Kagounkin Magdalina by Sean
Last Updated 22-Oct-2017