My Mutant Crawl Classics campaign has had a couple of establishing adventures and while I still have a few of the published adventures available I want to start moving things towards a hex-crawl and seed in the adventures more organically. To do that I need some kind of table to aid with the hex-crawl exploration side of things. Something simple enough to meet the needs of my current game and any future, and I should note that my PCs have a flying car so hex-crawl travel is a little faster for my current game than I'm sure it will be for others.
The trick here is to find a way to ensure that the group using the flying car isn't having a ton of encounters just because they can cover a ton of hexes in a given unit of time. Likewise since they can pass quickly through hexes they should have an increased chance of having no encounter since it would difficult for a fast moving vehicle to be ambushed, or for the passengers to spot a hidden structure in the dense jungle.
Exploration Roll:
When a group is moving through the wilderness 2d7 is rolled and then Table 1 is consulted. If the group contains a Rover, increase the die type by +1d. If the party is moving slowly and exploring with intent increase the die type by +1d. If they are moving quickly to cover more ground, reduce the die type by -1d or more (depending on how fast they are moving).
Table 1: What the heck did we find?
- N/A - How'd you end up here? HOW?! You can't have rolled this ... sheesh
- Ambush! Something hungry leaps out and attacks!
- Fresh water, and a grove of trees bearing edible fruits.
- Weather (refer to Random Weather Tables)
- A friendly creature with empathic or telepathic abilities finds the party and attaches itself to the PC with the highest Personality score. Creature has 1d3 Hit Dice of 1d4.
- Hostiles! A group of enemies, or some other hostile creature or robot spots the group.
- A small party (2d4) of explorers. Roll 1d10 on Table 2.
- A ruin of the ancients. This has been picked clean but a thorough search still has a 5% chance of rewarding the searchers with a minor artifact. The structure has a 50% chance of being intact enough to provide shelter.
- Nothing
- Also nothing
- Still nothing
- Yup. Nothing
- A crater filled with radioactive waste, the group must make a DC 12 Fortitude save or lose 1d3 points of Stamina. This roll is made for every Turn spent near the crater; increase the DC and frequency if the group decides to explore within.
- A small village or outpost belonging to (roll 1d20 on Table 2)
- A damaged ancient site. 35% chance it has not been looted. Roll 1d12 on Table 3.
- or Higher: Lucky find! An intact structure of the ancient ones! Roll 2d8 on Table 3.
Table 2: Affiliations
- The Clan of Cog
- The Chosen of Zuu
- The Children of the Glow
- The Curators
- The Atomic Equinox
- The Holy Medicinal order
- The Gene Police
- The Blessed Brotherhood
- The Technorabble
- (or greater) Non-affiliated
Table 3: Locations found at random
- A military structure
- A fuel depot
- A greenhouse for decorative flowers
- A hospital
- A research station
- An old museum or art gallery
- A greenhouse for food production
- A transit station
- (or greater) A home of the ancients
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